Teleworking (home office) is a work modality in which employees can carry out their activities remotely. Although it is considered a novel approach, it has been in use for years, but it wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic that it was implemented as a mandatory practice in many companies. There are three types of modalities for this form of work. The first is autonomous, where independent workers perform their tasks from any location. The second is supplementary, where there is an employment contract requiring a minimum of two days of work with the company. Finally, the mobile modality is conducted using mobile devices.

This work modality has several advantages, such as flexibility, autonomy, and improved quality of life, among others. Moreover, companies that implement this modality permanently or one to two times a week have shown an increase in work productivity. There is also a significant reduction in stress in the work environment, as well as decreased expenses on transportation, meals, and other related costs. Teleworking benefits both employees and employers.


However, there are also several risks associated with this type of work. For employees, the lack of a specific workspace can create heightened stress, as they struggle to differentiate between a place to relax and forget about their worries and a place to focus on work tasks. Irregular and unpredictable working hours may lead to working night shifts, disrupting their rest schedule and potentially isolating them from others. Additionally, the lack of face-to-face contact among colleagues can lead to emotional disconnection within the group of employees.


Now that we have mentioned the benefits and disadvantages of this alternative work modality, the question remains: “Will this modality become the new permanent form of work in all companies, and what is the cost-benefit of its use?”

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Currently, the pandemic has brought about technological changes at the social, educational, work, and economic levels.


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